On Friday, September 15, at 7 pm, the (champagne) reception of the world premiere of “Treasures of the Past” – “Geschichten aus der Heimat” – took place in the Schauburg in Karlsruhe.
Deutsche Version dieses Artikels
The names on the guest list were gradually checked off, the tickets were taken from the checkout to new owners and the cinema hall filled completely.
Radiant and tense faces entered the cinema hall. Particularly the present substandard-film-makers and contemporary witnesses were especially excited and curious. What had become of their pictures? How does it look like in a real movie when my recordings are in it?
After a great greeting from the mayor Frank Mentrup and an exciting commentary by the cultural director Susanne Asche on the importance of the memorial culture in Karlsruhe and a successful speech by the director Oliver Langewitz, all these questions were answered in the 110 minutes documentary film.
The tension could be maintained until the end of the film. The film concluded with a round of questions to Oliver Langewitz and the presentation of the team.
“The many positive reactions overwhelm me and my team “, rejoices Oliver Langewitz. “These are a great reward for one and a half years of hard work on the film project, which has been and is a great concern for us all. ” (Source: Filmboard Karlsruhe e. V.)
All in all, it was a very successful evening and a very successful world premiere, which was really worth it.
Who didn’t have the chance to see the film on Friday has two more opportunities to make up for this: “Treasures of the Past” will be shown again on Tuesday, September 26 and October 3, respectively at 5 pm, in the Schauburg in Karlsruhe.
It is definitely worth it!
“Treasures of the Past“
The film is in German and has English subtitles.
The project was created on the occasion of the Heimattage Baden-Württemberg 2017 and is sponsored by the city of Karlsruhe. The documentary was also made possible thanks to the Crowdfunding platform “Together for our City” of the Volksbank Karlsruhe, which many donors donated to the project.
Further information (in German):
Images: © Filmboard Karlsruhe e.V. © Jürgen Schurr
English Translation: Johanna Wies
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