On 28 September 2017, the gamification congress bizplay at the Tollhaus Karlsruhe took place (...)
bizplay 2017: one day full of gamification On 28 September 2017, the gamification congress (...)
The region of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion Action Group is shaped by business, top-level (...)
7×7: Introduction of 7 entrepreneurs from Karlsruhe within the fields of culture and (...)
Ceremony on September 20 at Substage For the 14th time, the CyberForum business network is (...)
International premiere: The Karlsruhe scientists test their autonomous deep-sea robotic system (...)
1 June 2017 starting at 6:30 p.m. Target group: Professionals, Entrepreneurs Language: German (...)
Open Internet: How Google, Amazon and Facebook lure us into their data silos and how we can (...)
Creative Prasentations in the Tollhaus Karlsruhe On Thursday, 04 May 2017, seven creative (...)
Presentation of 7 successful business startups in the area of cultural and creative industries (...)