The region of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion Action Group is shaped by business, top-level research and science as well as culture and lifestyle. A wonderful natural landscape with many hours of sunshine coupled with research institutions of world renown, innovative companies, high-calibre cultural facilities and excellent traffic links make the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion a great place to invest, live and work.
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The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion Action Group consists of eleven cities and towns, four administrative districts (Landkreise) and a regional association: Baden-Baden, Bretten, Bruchsal, Bühl, Ettlingen, Gaggenau, Karlsruhe, Rastatt, Rheinstetten, Stutensee, Waghäusel, Germersheim Administrative District, Karlsruhe Administrative District, Rastatt Administrative District, Südliche Weinstrasse Administrative District, and the Regional Planning Association Middle Upper Rhine.
The motto of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion Action Group is: “High Tech meets the Good Life”. Local businesses, scientific institutions, public authorities and cultural organisations cooperate closely to combine and enhance their resources and move ahead in the competition between the regions. The goal of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion Action Group is to empower Karlsruhe as an economic area.
Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion: Regional Strengths – International Competitiveness
An area of 3,240 square kilometers and abound 1.3 million residents make the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion to one of Europe’s top business and innovation regions. You can find a great mixture of world leading scientific institutions, SMEs and startups and multinational companies. There is a well-balanced cross-section of sectors with a large amount of next-generation technologies.
The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion can document an economic output that has overtaken the national average for a lot of years. Also, the gross domestic product (2013: €48.9 bn) has been raising at an above-average rate for the last few years. In June 2015, the region had a working population of 503,149. About one-third of them work in technology-related industries, this is more than in any other European region.
Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion: Numerous industrial & commercial Spaces
In the region, investors can start to build on a variety of industrial and commercial space immediately. This is possible for example in the Creative Park „Alter Schlachthof“, the area to the south of Karlsruhe Central Station, or the converted space Cité in Baden-Baden. The „Gewerbeflächenatlas“ (Commercial Space Atlas) published by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) and the SIS location system provide details of available land and properties.
The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion lists and groups properties throughout the entire region by type in the location finder, a commercial property web portal.
Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion in numbers
• Population: 1.24 m
• Area: 3,240 km²
• Member companies of Chambers of Commerce and Industry: 83,600
• Number of employees paying compulsory social security contributions in 2015: 503,149
• Purchasing power per capita in 2015: €3,000, total: € 28.7 bn
Source: TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH
Image: © TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH
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